A ascot7 Reputable Oct 6, 2014 1 0 4,510 Oct 6, 2014 #1 My moniter always. Lank, cNnot access command promp.
Solution smorizio Oct 6, 2014 if your rig has onboard video pull the gpu see if the system turns on from a power issue. if not try a new power supply the old one may have failed.
if your rig has onboard video pull the gpu see if the system turns on from a power issue. if not try a new power supply the old one may have failed.
smorizio Titan Jan 22, 2010 30,980 10 125,315 Oct 6, 2014 Solution #2 if your rig has onboard video pull the gpu see if the system turns on from a power issue. if not try a new power supply the old one may have failed. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
if your rig has onboard video pull the gpu see if the system turns on from a power issue. if not try a new power supply the old one may have failed.