My pc parts work?

Apr 19, 2018
So I have my parts picked out my parts, and checked them on pc part pickers and it said it all worked

But I have a few questions,
For the b350 tomohawk, it said it can support up to ram speeds up to 3200, but I’ve seen some threads saying only 2666 works?

Power supply good?

What do you think has more value, 1050 ti/1060 3gb?

And last, these 2 gpu^, good pair with 1600?

Overall, things are good but i would like to change a few things. You can get a better PSU in that money, like this EVGA 500 BQ (

The RAM Speed just depends if the XMP Profile works or not. It might go up to 3200, 3000,2933 or 2666. Its based on your luck.

Also, spend the saved money from the PSU into a better SSD, something like a SanDisk. Ive seen people having problems with ADATA, never had one myself though.

If you have a little more money i would suggest staying away from the 1060 3GB and just save up a little and get the 6GB variant. More future proof as games are starting to require alot more VRAM nowadays

I agree with getting a bigger ssd. the rest you say is nonsense.

op picked a great psu, the graphics card is worth it for the money in this horrible period.
and for the ram speed the more mhz the better for ryzen . 3200 is perfect. but 2666 is already fine too,

I heard 3200 crashes with tomahawk motherboard, true? Should I just get 2666 to play it safe