my PC run slow while gaming

Jauhar Mario

Sep 9, 2013
hy guys, so i've upgrade my PC's GPU with MSI GTX 760 Twin frozr, when i play game in win 7 32 bit, the game was run nicely and i got average 40-60 FPS in crysis 3 and metro LL, but when use win 7 64 bit, suddenly when i played splinter cell blacklist, my PC can't even reach 30 fps, i've already update the driver.

here's my PC's spec :
CPU core i5 quad 3330
memory 4GB of ram ddr3
VGA MSI GTX 760 Twin frozr
PSU corsair cx600

do you think my 4gb memory is bottleneck ??
Your RAM is absolutely the issue. I generally recommend at least 8 GB for 64bit windows. It works this way because 64 bit uses more space to address the same amount of data. this allows it to address more because you have a larger address table however it will eat more ram for the same amount of data. In your case you are likely spilling over into virtual memory which is far slower than DDR.

Your RAM is absolutely the issue. I generally recommend at least 8 GB for 64bit windows. It works this way because 64 bit uses more space to address the same amount of data. this allows it to address more because you have a larger address table however it will eat more ram for the same amount of data. In your case you are likely spilling over into virtual memory which is far slower than DDR.

The games though are 32-bit? There's hardly any game now that is a 64-bit application.

No offence, but I ran W7-64 on 4GB (phenom II 955 running ancient DDR2-800 no less) and had no problem with Metro, Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs etc etc etc. Having moved up to an FX6350 w/8GB RAM, not seeing a massive difference in any of those games...

By all means get a second stick and I really hope it fixes your issues - just saying it's not guaranteed. Depending on what else you are running in the background, 4GB can be fine for current games, even in a '64-bit' O/S.
thanks for the answer, right then, maybe i'll upgrade my RAM soon, i just worry if there is something wrong with my new GPU, ,just to make sure this really bottleneck issue cause by my RAM..
if you really want to know go into the performance section of your task manager or resource monitor. replicate your performance issue and go back and look at the graphs. Are you maxing your memory out or not. I'm willing to bet you are.
No game I know of can use more than 2-3gb by itself.
But, if there is a lot in ram that is active, then there may well be high demand paging.
Since the difference is found in the 32-64 bit os, that is where the answer will be found.
Look at the task manager and see what is running and what resources are being used.
i've already upgrade my memory to 8gb , and yes, the probleam is my 4gb ram was bottleneck with my GTX 760, now i can play splinter cell blacklist max setting with TXAA4x with up to 60 fps 😀