my pc vs consoles


Nov 7, 2014
Hey bros,so i'm going to upgrade my pc and i want to know is it worth it or i should get an xbone or a ps4?here's my pc specs that i'm going to get
Cpu:intel i7 4790k
Cpu cooler:cooler master hyper 103
Gpu:msi gtx 970
Ram:16gb 1600mhz kingston
Mobo:msi z97s sli plus
Psu:cooler master v750 gold
Case:cooler master k380 with 3 additional sickle flow x case fans
Os:win 8.1 64bit
So is it worth upgrading? Since consoles are cheaper... or a console will be better?i don't want to upgrade till 3 years from my upgrade is it possible?since i want to run all new games at max settings on a 1080p 60hz monitor @40+fps is that possible?
Thx in advance :)
Sry 4 bad english 😀

You get what you pay for. If you want low res low setting gaming that's locked in to allow you to do whatever Sony/MS decide you are allowed to do with their gear then by all means go that route. If you actually want great gaming though, then consoles are not where it's at.

well i'm not going to overclock atleast for nw...maybe in the future then i'm going to change my cpu cooler...and right nw i can't afford another case but why?is this case not good?

since consoles are way cheaper compared to my total pc cost after the upgrade will be ~1500$ and the consoler are in the 400 to 500 they're way cheaper

You get what you pay for. If you want low res low setting gaming that's locked in to allow you to do whatever Sony/MS decide you are allowed to do with their gear then by all means go that route. If you actually want great gaming though, then consoles are not where it's at.


oh thx man :) one last question is there's something i should change in this pc? i'm not going to overclock nw maybe after 1 year or i don't need a diffrent cooler right?

So says the marketing department of Sony... Yet they can't keep up with 1080p without sacrificing a huge amount of quality that PC games get in order to keep frame rates even remotely good.

Don't man.

This Icareus guy is the single biggest console troll on this forum.

He has no idea about real world comparisons or benchmarks and will simply repeatedly claim that a PS4 is just like a high end PC in every way.

I would not recommend getting into any discussion with him as he simply repeats your statements back to you and negates them with "PS4 is high end" or "my r270x is high end".

It WILL infuriate you and drive you to say stuff you don't want to.

Let it go

"Huge amount of quality" Uh no.
That you consistently make inaccurate points about the PS4's performance/missdefine high end/can't accurately argue PC vs Console performance/are extremely biased toward the PS4 without any reasonable facts or material to back up your claims.

I quote you from another thread where you exlaim "GTA V doesn't max out the PS4 and it runs on Very High settings".

i know that they're great for gaming but to me i think pc is better it's just my personal opinion
If you read what OP wants again, properly. Note the line he wants 1080p, 40fps on MAX settings.

So going from THIS:

Hey bros,so i'm going to upgrade my pc and i want to know is it worth it or i should get an xbone or a ps4?here's my pc specs that i'm going to get
Cpu:intel i7 4790k
Cpu cooler:cooler master hyper 103
Gpu:msi gtx 970
Ram:16gb 1600mhz kingston
Mobo:msi z97s sli plus
Psu:cooler master v750 gold
Case:cooler master k380 with 3 additional sickle flow x case fans
Os:win 8.1 64bit

to a PS4...


why not intel i7 this cpu is really good and the reason i want to get this cpu it's because that i'm going to play games and do a little bit of video editing so this cpu is perferct also i want 16gb of ram so it would last with me for longer time...and this psu is a tier 1 psu how is it going to be bad?
sry 4 bad english 😀

It's not a massive step down. Don't get ahead of yourself.