Question My Pc will boot but I have no signal on my monitor

Dec 22, 2019
I’ve tried everything I could find too try and I’m still having these issues.

So 2 days ago I was playing rust and the game Crashed which caused my pc to freeze also. So I held down the power button and went to bed. The next day I get on it and it boots up and says it has problems with the drivers and needs to restart, so I do so and it wouldn’t work after that, I let it sit for about 20 minutes and it never turned back on so I pressed the power button and now my monitor says no signal.
But the pc turns on completely.

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3400G (4-Core) 4.2 GHz Turbo
Motherboard: ASUS / MSI (AMD A320M Chipset) (Up to 2x PCI-E Devices)
System Memory: 8GB DDR4 Digital Storm Performance Series
Power Supply: 600W Digital Storm Performance
Integrated Graphics: Radeon RX Vega 11 Graphics
GPU: XFX - AMD Radeon RX 580

I’ve tried taking and putting back in the cmos
Taking the gpu out using the integrated graphics
1 stick of ram both slots
Powering in safe mode
Different monitor
Different displays
HDMI, VGA, and Display Port
Disconnecting power from the mother board
Different RAM
What else could I try.
Did you check the BIOS settings? They are likely back to the default configuration settings with the CMOS having been removed and reinstalled....

Swap in known working video cables.

Go to the manufacturer's website to download the applicable video drivers. Reinstall and reconfigure.

How old is the PSU?
The issue is I can’t see anything and I’m using know working cables I tested them on a ps4 too make sure it wasn’t the monitor or the cord. The PC isn’t sending out anything visible too my monitor to display. When the PC is turned on the monitor says out of range so I can’t see the BIOs settings. I’ve also tested another monitor and that’s not the issue either.

the PSU is about 4 months old