Question My Pc Won't Show Display After I Updated the Bios

Jan 2, 2022
Motherboard: Asus B450M-A
Power Supply: Thermaltake Smart 700W
RAM: PNY X Anarchy 16 GB
RAM: Crucial 4 GB
GPU: Galaxy GeForce GTX 660 ti gc 66NNH7DV6WXZ
SSD: WD Easystore 240 GB
I looked and did not see a specific notation that you needed to update to anything inbetween for it to work. The sites BIOS notes are lacking severely. I noted this:

"1.New CPU support
2.Offer a Re-size BAR Support option to enhance GPU performance."

but no other notes or details as to what the new CPU support was, or if it made others not be supported. I even note that in the CPU support page it only says "validated since BIOS" and no notes indicating not to update past a certain CPU.

Considering the lack of detail it might be worthwhile to attempt to email or chat with ASUS/tech support and see if you can get more details on the "new CPU support" and make sure it didn't change support for the 2xxx series.

edit- upon further investigating, it appears that the 2409 update is only listed after 5xxx CPU (seems there is a 4xxxG skew or two in there as well). Many motherboard BIOS updates cause support for 1xxx and 2xxx to drop when moving up to said BIOS. I suspect this is the case here.
so how do I 'un-update' it

I am not sure you can. Look in your manual and see if it states anything like "BIOS rollback" ect. I think some of the higher end mobo have this feature available. Some even have dual BIOS where you can "flip a switch" and change to the other BIOS. Not certain if the level of mobo you have would be outfitted that way on either front.

The other "fix" would be to consider a 3xxx or 5xxx CPU. Admittedly this could be wasteful since you don't really know if the mobo took the update properly. Assuming it did, that would be the likely out.

Might be cheaper to consider a new mobo.

I would restate, contact ASUS tech support and see if they have anything useful to offer for your situation.
Is this the same motherboard from this thread?

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Is this the same motherboard from this thread?

I reset the capacitors and it actually worked
what I did is I took the cord out and held down the power button for 35 seconds and it worked

that was before the bios problem

how do I manually reset the bios
Do this:

First, disconnect all power sources (power cable, video cable, and powered speakers).
Next, press the power button to discharge any residual power in the system (yep, I mean it).
Then, open the case and locate the motherboard battery. Remove it, noting which side goes "up". Wait 1 minute and re-insert it.
Reverse the previous steps and try powering on and accessing your BIOS.

You can also look up your motherboard manual and see how to do with a jumper.