My pc won't turn on after XMP


Jun 14, 2016
Are these 2 compatible
MB =

Memory =

It won't run the XMP file, after enabling XMP my monitor won't turn on and each time I force turn off/on my pc using the power button I keep getting the overclocked failed, and the MHz resets back to default 2133mhz. (I did tried to w8 for my monitor to turn on for 10mins + and still nothing).

I searched in newegg that the motherboard can support it, the mb allows 3400mhz memory and it was listed in motherboard manual also. Idk, I can't seem to put it to 3000mhz, the highest I can put it in stable MHz is in 2800mhz with auto settings and uses 1.520v TT_TT :bounce:

My cpu is i5 6600k it is overclocked to 4.6hz
i have the same problem but i have a really good Monitor and my Vengeance Lpx 3400MHz are running at 2133MHz..everytime i turn XMP on and try to restart it comes back on a black screanand i have to restart the PC a couple of times before i can get into BIOS and see that its back to 2133MHz