my power supply and battery problems

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Sep 9, 2018
my power supply charger powers the laptop on when the battery is removed but with the battery on it doesn't power it on. and imost of the time i power it on then put the battery in then it doesn't charge it but sometimes i do the same thing and moments later i find it charging ?

my question is what could be the problem because even when in try to measure the output it only gives 2. 23v and the battery says 10.8v
You should never have the laptop running when you want to reintroduce the battery to power the laptop. Only ensures that you're killing the laptop. If it's the same battery when you purchased the laptop(first) then it's time to get a genuine replacement battery provided the battery does not provide any backup when the power goes out(or when the wall adapter is unplugged).

Make and model of your laptop as well as it's SKU, please?
You should never have the laptop running when you want to reintroduce the battery to power the laptop. Only ensures that you're killing the laptop. If it's the same battery when you purchased the laptop(first) then it's time to get a genuine replacement battery provided the battery does not provide any backup when the power goes out(or when the wall adapter is unplugged).

Make and model of your laptop as well as it's SKU, please?
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