Question My PSU is making a buzzing sound and vibrating slightly ?

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What is the PSU powering? Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

Upon looking at the videos, that PSU does not sound nor look normal, I would contact your seller and MSI and initiated an RMA asap.
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

What is the PSU powering? Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

Upon looking at the videos, that PSU does not sound nor look normal, I would contact your seller and MSI and initiated an RMA asap.
Cpu: Ryzen 7 5700x3d
Air cooler:fuma 3
Motherboard: a520m tuf
Ram:juhor ddr4 3600mhz
Ssd:wd Green
Gpu:rtx 3060 12 gb Eagle
Chassis: neologic rainbow
Bios version:2816

After the power supply started making this noise, I used WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner, and it stopped making the noise. Here's the video. Do you think there's a risk of the noise coming back?


And thank you.
"After the power supply started making this noise, I used WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner, and it stopped making the sound. Here's the video. Do you think there's a risk of the noise coming back?"
I would've disconnected the PSU from the build, then sent an email or made a phone call to initiate an RMA, it's possible that the PSU is faulty to begin with. Because you sprayed it with WD-40, it's highly possible that your seller and/or MSI will disregard your warranty/RMA claim since you tampered with the PSU, yes they can tear the PSU open and inspect for any residues(under a microscope).

You ask first, then go do, not the other way round.
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"Depois que a fonte de alimentação começou a fazer esse barulho, usei o WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner, e ele parou de fazer o barulho. Aqui está o vídeo. Você acha que há risco do barulho voltar?"
Eu teria desconectado a PSU da construção, então enviado um e-mail ou feito uma ligação para iniciar um RMA, é possível que a PSU esteja com defeito para começar. Como você a borrifou com WD-40, é altamente possível que seu vendedor e/ou MSI desconsiderem sua reivindicação de garantia/RMA, já que você mexeu na PSU, sim, eles podem abrir a PSU e inspecionar para quaisquer resíduos (sob um microscópio).

Primeiro você pergunta e depois faz, e não o contrário.
Não queria enviá-lo por RMA porque moro no Brasil e não acho que haja uma empresa responsável aqui. Estava fazendo alguns testes; meu PC está ligado há quase 50 horas para ver se a PSU desarmaria ou explodiria e, até agora, nada aconteceu. Mas tentarei abrir um RMA hoje ou comprarei outra PSU durante a Black Friday. Você já viu um problema como esse? Usei um sensor de temperatura e a temperatura estava boa, então acho que o problema é com o ventilador da PSU."

I didn't want to send it by RMA because I live in Brazil and I don't think there is a responsible company here. I was doing some tests; my PC has been on for almost 50 hours to see if the PSU would trip or explode and so far nothing has happened. But I will try to open an RMA today or buy another PSU during Black Friday. Have you ever seen a problem like this? I used a temperature sensor and the temperature was fine, so I think the problem is with the PSU fan."
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