Question My powerline adapter is connecting to the wifi extender as opposed to the router

Jun 21, 2020
Hi all,

I'm having a rather odd problem currently, I have two powerline adapters (One plugged into the router and another in to the back of my PC), we also have a WiFi extender in the house and my powerline adapters seem to be establishing an Ethernet connection with that as opposed to the actual router? I can tell this because firstly the speed is extremely slow and secondly the name of the network on the bottom right corner of my screen has the "EXT" at the end of its name.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Hi all,

I'm having a rather odd problem currently, I have two powerline adapters (One plugged into the router and another in to the back of my PC), we also have a WiFi extender in the house and my powerline adapters seem to be establishing an Ethernet connection with that as opposed to the actual router? I can tell this because firstly the speed is extremely slow and secondly the name of the network on the bottom right corner of my screen has the "EXT" at the end of its name.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
What are the brand and model numbers of the extender and PL adapters. PL adapters can sometimes do wonky things creating their own network and such. Usually resetting and re-pairing them fixes most issues. You would probably need the extender offline during the process.
What are the brand and model numbers of the extender and PL adapters. PL adapters can sometimes do wonky things creating their own network and such. Usually resetting and re-pairing them fixes most issues. You would probably need the extender offline during the process.
These are the powerline adapters:

This is the extender:

I did above as you suggested and the internet name is still showing up with the "EXT" at the end as opposed to the actual routers name.
There is no way a powerline unit can talk to a repeater. The repeater is using only wifi and the powerline units is using only the electrical power wires.

This is one of those stupid windows things. It seems to pick a name for networks and then keep using it for other ip in the same subnet. I have never figured out where it gets these names from and it is massively confusing.

Still the name means nothing your traffic is still going out the ethernet cable to the powerline units and to your router via the other powerline unit.

Be very sure you do not have a wifi card active in your machine because then it might actually be using the wifi to the repeater.

The power line units you have are the previous generation. These unit had more trouble with connection speeds than then newer av2 units. I would first plug both powerline units into the same room to see what the maximum speed they can connect. There is not much you can do with poweline units other than try other wall outlets.
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If you do have wireless in your computer, you can insure that the PL adapter Ethernet is a higher priority by going to the advanced networking using the Windows control panel. Select change adapter setting, then advanced (you may have to hit the alt key to see the choices), then select advanced settings. On the first tab, top section the priorities of connection order is listed. Insure that the network with the PL adapters is above the wireless.
Hi both,

I followed the steps both of you suggested so it should just be connecting to the ethernet now.

@bill001g Would you suggest I upgrade the powerline adapters I'm using then? I got them in 2015 so I guess they are old tech at this point.

Thanks for the help both of you.