My Product key has been blocked


Sep 30, 2015
So i migrated my os from a hdd to and ssd when it fisnished and i booted up it asked me for my activation key and it said error. so i when to go activate my product key then it says it has been blocked! so i call microsoft and they said that their is nothing they could do about it that i have to purchase another copy. I feel like they are stealing from me saying they cant access the key.

i would like to know what to do in this situation. please help

btw. i already tried taking back to where i bought it from, they didnt take it back. 🙁
Was this a used/refurb computer? They apparently used a compromised key. Microsoft isn't stealing from you, the company that sold you a computer with an invalid license stole from you.

You have no recourse other than buying a legitimate license.

OEM keys for Windows 8 are tied to the motherboard rather than disk. Reinstalling on a new disk in the same system will not cause problems.
If you have the receipt for the purchase, scan it and send it to Microsoft the next time you call them. At that point they're practically obligated to help you out. The exception to this is if you used an OEM key and/or are omitting certain information in your post, in which case you should've spent the extra money on the Retail version -- a hard lesson learned, indeed.

dont have a reciept

Microsoft is saying i have to purchase a new one
Proof of a transaction is essentially a receipt. If you used your credit card, then, the company with which you did business has a copy of the proof of purchase. The same is true for a debit card or a check. This is the case because businesses are required by law to hold proof of the transaction for a period of at least 3 taxable years (USA, federally) and 8 tax-years (USA, California). I cannot speak for the rest of the USA or any other country. If, however, you used cash, then, you're SOL.

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer or a CPA, and any statement afore made concerning taxes should not be construed to be advice or opinion and is merely "best educated" free thought.