My PSU has vga cables what are they for


Yes I know this is an old thread put in at a loss here with this evga 550w g2 I just received of scan so I can replace my cx psu. My dad help me who know a lot about computers and we could get everything to power on except for the GPU which is a msi GTX 970 4GB. No matter where I plug the pcie cables in the graphics card or vice versa the over of the cable which goes in the psu 's vga1 or vga2 slot/socket. The card just isn't getting power.

My card runs fine on the cx psu.

Have I got a psu with faulty vga slots?

You might want to check that the standoffs on the motherboard are installed correctly if they are not your gpu may not be fully connecting with the motherboard thus causing it to not run. Or it could be that for some reason the vga cables are not the correct type for your specific card and you may need to get a PIN adapter
Ifs fine I have fixed it. the Modular PSU had a motherboard cable that had the end you plug into the MOBO while the other side had 2 headers on it, one big one small. The small one wasn't clipped in right and my dad had to come help me clip it in (my old PSU was none modular so I haven't ever used a modular one before).

Also just in case there is someone reading this who does not know how to plug the motherboard cable into the PSU you have to plug the big and small part of the ATX cable into the PSU so it will look like two cables plugged in the PSU MB slots then the cable will join into one where the over end plugs into the board.