my r9 390 with a pretty good fan is gettin toasty for no reason


Mar 1, 2014
So I own a Asus Strix R9 390 and she is gettin hot all the sudden, i replaced my fans in the case a day ago to improve air flow without the fans being crazy loud. I installed Asus GPU tweaker after i had installed the case fans to monitor fan speeds on my gpu to see if i could make things quieter, i did not tweak the overclocking feautures at all and i am certain that the gpu fan speed is set to auto, out of no were when i started playing overwatch my GPU started going crazy it was running the fans at nearly 3000RPM and the gpu was reaching temps of 90C, the problem is happening with all games and i feel like this is a bad thing.


I have since finding this problem tried to uninstalled Asus GPU Tweak and Reinstall the latest AMD drivers and the problem is still happening, it also doesn't seem to reach high temps on games that i have vsync on or very basic games, but demanding things like overwatch or modded skyrim make the GPU hot.
I dont imagine this is a random defect that just happened when i opened the case, i can also confirm that the computer is more or less dust free.
sounds like the thermal paste may be going bad. Before doing anything I would contact ASUS first. They make good cards and yours should definitely be running a lot cooler.