My RAM and Page File Size are BOTH ~ 6G

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Jan 15, 2012
I'm gettingthe same "out of memory" error message on Outlook 2007 running under Windows 7 (64 bit).
Reading this thread, I checked my RAM and Page File Size and they are both ~6G...
Should I REALLY increase my Page file size to 12G?
Something is wrong with your outlook install. It should not use 6gbs of memory and throw an error. Backup your .PST or what ever file they use now and reinstall.

if you let your system manage the page file it is connstantly changing it. So your HD is always churning. It starts small at say 1 gb, and when you need the power the most the HD has to section off anothe 1gb to expand the pagefile. This slows everything down for a bit. Best bet is to manually set your page file minimum and maximum as the same size as your system ram. This way the pagefile gets one big block on the HD and it is not consitantly reducing and enlarging, causing time delays as it increases and file fragmentation.

The only down side to this method is that...
Just set the page file size to system managed. Its quite possible to run out of physical RAM at about 6GB or so if you are doing more then one RAM heavy application, hence the need for a larger pagefile.

The only thing a large pagefile does against you is take up extra space on the HDD.
Something is wrong with your outlook install. It should not use 6gbs of memory and throw an error. Backup your .PST or what ever file they use now and reinstall.

if you let your system manage the page file it is connstantly changing it. So your HD is always churning. It starts small at say 1 gb, and when you need the power the most the HD has to section off anothe 1gb to expand the pagefile. This slows everything down for a bit. Best bet is to manually set your page file minimum and maximum as the same size as your system ram. This way the pagefile gets one big block on the HD and it is not consitantly reducing and enlarging, causing time delays as it increases and file fragmentation.

The only down side to this method is that you use 6gbs (or whatever you set) from your HD. So if you have a small SSD you might consider a smaller number.
thanks everyone for your replies... I'm not using Biz Contact Manager...(I also don't use microsoft exchange).
In indicated that I was running Outlook 2007 running under Windows 7 (64 bit), but failed to advise that I have a 222GB hard drive of which I'm currently using 143GB.
So, I did increase the page file size to a minimum of 9GB and a max of 12GB and have not had the problem repeat.
I'll note what is happening the next time it hangs... I have a lot of archive files (resume data base for resumes received every quarter) and now know to only open them in Outlook when I need them, and then close them when I've found what I'm looking for...
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