my screen goes blaxk randomly after i installed a new card


Apr 1, 2015
Hey man i put a 9800 gt in the computer yesterday and installed a 450 watt PSU and added 4gb ram. I installed the driver for the my screen goes black randomly but the computers stays on can you help me out idk who to ask
i deleted the drivers used sweep and restarted the computer as promted the computer ran fine so i deciced to put my old graphic card hd5400 when i put the card in, the screen went black after start up and only showed a refreshing mouse, ctl alt dlt did not work shift 5 , 6 , 8 did not work nothing. i decided to put the 8800 back in and it worked for like 5 mins in a game and shut down then i have to cold restart the i took it out and the computer is running off the board.any solution or any good card i could get for gt5 or need for speed, titianfall ect... i got a dx8431-01 i3 150gb 6bb ram 450 psu ,something i could run please
Seems Like Your Graphics Card's VGA Adapter Is Loose Try To Fix It. Take Out Your Graphics Card. Clean It. ( IT MIGHT HAVE DUST ). And Then Re-fix It. Hope This Works. 😉

Nope didn't help but thanks

What is your budget for a graphics card? If it's $150, I recommend this...