My SSD won't boot without my HDD


Jan 7, 2018
[Moderator note: Edited post to break up "wall of text". Moved post from Memory to Systems.]

a little back story. the ssd is already 1 year old and was used in an another intel based PC. My hdd is form and old lenovo laptop which i didnt use anymore.

Now i have upgraded my build to ryzen2600, gtx 1060... . As memory i used the ssd from my older build AND the hdd from my old laptop since i dont have money for a new one (keep in mind that my ssd had windows 10 from my last pc and i didnt install windows WITH the hdd plugged on. Will be important afterwards);-;.

Everything was fine, my Pc booted from my ssd and all my games were located on my hdd. After 1 week use of the pc wouldnt boot windows and i would get the blue screen with the ":(" face. I didnt know why, so after some thinking i unhooked the hdd from my pc and my pc would boot normally.

Sometimes it worked booting with my hdd pluged in but mostly not. Well after 2 weeks i wanted to download a new game but since i knew that my hdd wouldnt work work i tried to format it so maybe this fill fix it. The formating took VERY long so i just let it operate overnight.

Next day restarted my pc(to make sure everything will work fine) and after a couple of sec i would get the ":(", again. I unplugged the hdd to see if it would boot, but it didnt. Everytime i would get the ":(" face with a new error message
(everytime i booted sth else happend.

Either i could acces some windows+bios settings or automatic repair would start(never worked) or just the sad face. So it never was the same error message but the most common was bad config sth).

Since nothing else worked i gave up and made a windows 10 usb stick. i tried to reinstall windows while BOTH drives were plugged in. I formated both of them first and deleted the partitions. Then i loaded windows on the ssd.

After windows was installed the pc restarted itself and the same happend as before. Someone recommended me to just try to load windows on the ssd without the hdd but it didnt work. Well i installed windows for like 5 times that day and after being very frustrated and tired i installed windows 10 PRO instead of HOME(on my ssd(but im not sure if the hdd was hooked on or not)).

Nothing happend again, i think, but after plugging my hdd it suddenly worked. The boot was slower than usual(but not hdd slow). Rn im way too scared to restart the pc/unplug the ssd(to see if the ssd can work without the hdd(like it should be able)) bec last time i did this the pc crashed again and i couldnt boot into windows, again
I really spend all my money and i cant afford a new drive(since i dont work and i dont get money from my parents) so if you could help me fix this i would be very happy^^(i was so happy being able to play battlefield 1 and now this happend._.)
quick edit. after writing this i tried to Restart my compter.

The :( showed up again telling me that it would try to repair Windows(didnt succed) and after many many more blue screens and :( faces it boot up. I just restartede the pc after that the pc restarted itself till it finally worked. As you can imagine i dont want to go thru this everytime i boot up so a good answer would be stil very helpful
I would try taking out the SSD out of the equation and try a quick install of windows on the HDD.
see if that boots normally
if it doesn't, it is possible the motherboard is the issue, have you checked if a newer BIOS was available ?