My temps while gaming is more than my stress test.


May 7, 2016
So while i stress test my CPU it is at a max of 37-38 and it idles at 26-27, but when i join a game it can go up to 60C i have 3 fans 2 pulling air out 1 pulling in air. The ones pulling air out are on top the one not pulling air is on the bottom of the ones blowing out air. So my GPU's heat is getting taken out of the case. I also got the case open. (PS: I kinda rushed this cause i have to go somewhere so sorry if it is worded weird or makes no sense.)


CPU: Phenom II X4 945
Cooler: Hyper 212 EVO
GPU: R9 380X
RAM: 8GB Ram of Kingston HyperX
PSU: 650W EVGA Platinum P2 80+