My terrible experiance with Alienware.


Aug 18, 2006
I know I am going to take a ton of grief for this from this forum but I placed an order for a new system with Alienware. I did this for a few reasons.
1. I don't have a lot of time these days to build a new one. (Reseach, Ordering, Assembly, Tweaking, etc.) I have built my last 3 machines. All of them were very stable and served me well.
2. I wanted a new Core 2 Duo system and have read what seems to be a lot of people who have been having hardware problems right out of the gate.
3. I figured the companies like Alienware and Falcon NW would have spent hours testing their hardware configurations for stability and performance.

I would have loved to buy a Falcon, but was having trouble with the cost difference between it and the Alienware. (My configuration was almost a grand different.) Alienware was offering about $300.00 off of my system.

I have bought a couple of laptops from Alienware and loved them, so I figured I would flip for one of their desktop systems. I saw no reason why it wouldn't be exactly what I was looking for.

I have always thought highly about them and even recomended them to others. I have even recomended them to people in these forums who were looking for prebuilt machines. Man, was that a mistake. If anyone took my advise, I truely apologize.

I placed my order on Sept 27, 2 hours after they became available on Alienware's website. I canceled my order today having yet to receive it and with them being unable to give me any kind of a shipping date.

This even after receiving an e-mail from them stating that a part I had ordered was out of stock with a long lead time. If I was willing to accept changing my order to exclude that part, they would be able to ship my new system in 7-8 days. That was on Sept. 4.

Even after I sent inquiry after inquiry to them, they only responded by saying they were doing the best they could but could not give me information as to when to expect a shippment. Even my request to go above the man helping me in customer service was rebuffed.

Since I still have the problems listed above, I guess now I will have to fork out the cash for a Falcon NW machine. Hopefully they will come through. (Although the salesman I spoke to at Falcon seemed enjoy my dilemma with Alienware a little too much.... :) )

Go ahead and laugh/flame I deserve it. I just wanted to let people know before they make the same mistake.
Ask me in about 3 weeks. :) They are telling me about to weeks to make and with shipping I figure it will be about another week. I went with the talon. It's got an ugly case but the Mach V is 4 weeks to ship and I am not sure my present computer would last that long.
so if im ever rich and have money to burn i should choose Falcon right?

I received my machine a week ago yesterday. I have been working with it ever since.

In answer to you question, as of now, I can say YES. The machine is fast, the workmanship is fantastic. No bloatware on the thing. They loaded the software, set it up, activated windows and then created the recovery cd. They even sent a full blown Windows XP pro CD.

When I turned on the machine, (After cabling up everything outside the case.) it went straight to the desktop, I clicked on internet explorer and it went right on. I didn't even have to set up my internect connection. They removed every icon, program, service I didn't need to run the computer.

I am very happy with what they did. I expected a lot for the amount I paid for this machine. They did things I didn't expect.
Im not sure if availibility of new "in demand" computers should determine quality of the product / company.

FNW could have easily been out of parts required for your build request. Sounds a bit like "want it now" syndrome.

Enjoy your new computer.
It took me about 3 months to get my machine but I can say it was totally worth it. Runs great and upgradeable can't beat that. Got an M7700 17 inch
upgradeable huh? Thats lucky. I got myself a dell, and i can only use Dell monitors, and Dell PCI/AGP cards. I tried upgrading to more memory and got an error: Non-Dell memory detected! Please contact dell to get certified memory.