My thread was by mod "Pinhedd" abusively closed. Issue: Dx10 on Xp64.

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Mar 2, 2014
Dx10 on XP64:

Issue solved, found by me myself here:

(This "Pinhedd" 's words in reply to my post here:


: " Is there a question buried somewhere in this rant full of stupidity? Try again "

(Do you "pinhedd" try to be polite? That is not the case, you calling me "stupid".
I don't call you anything. I didn't and don't. Remain in your illusion of you
being intelligent.)
maybe we did misinterpret your english by chance a second language for you.if so i apologize.if not,well it is what it is.


Mar 2, 2014
Aha. So you say, whatever a mod or admin or ruler or opressor does, has to be accepted by the "slaves", who must obey.

You even admit the unrightfulness of your whole stance. This "pinhedd" mod has in this case against me acted fully abusively, and I do not accept that. I will have to accuse you legally because of this here. Now, you may close the thread. I do not wish you goodluck. Thanks for nothing. I found the solution myself. Already concerning other games, they were by sceners enabled to be played on xp. I hereby thank all sceners who did that. Seems like Toms Hardware has been usurped by evil zombies who try to make out of people exactly what they themselves are: mongrels who go the way of the flow. ! well not with me. Stay with your noobness, your userdoms, you new chiefs of Toms Hardware. I came here with no prejudice. I muttered against win8 not running fast cuz of many many services. XP64 runs faster. I think its awful that I got to have a win8 now besides my Xp64 only for T4. I will install win8 on another harddisk, just to tell people to rather do that. I won't come anymore to this Toms hardware. Goodbye then you pro-nazi pro-all-opression evil injustice and harassment-defending other one who here answered to me. You didn't answer at all, really. You just defended clearly abusive authority. I am sure, you'd also defend putin and hitler. Actually. This pinhedd called me stupid for no reason. I didn't mutter against him! He is an insane person, a bad person. Period. Of course, Tomshardware will delete this thread to not show critics about itself. But I keep all I ever write locally saved. :)


Mar 2, 2014
Dear Sir Aidan,

with my utmost real Respect, Sir: You are a very good person. Of course, English is not my mother tongue. I learned English from the age of around 13 years on.

But my grammar is surely not perfect, but sufficient. No, it is the "mood" I was in, which was misunderstood in my first post by "Pinhedd", who seems to dislike me for some reason and who called me stupid for no good reason. I forgive him. Easy.

But we have to mention this without emotions. Of course, I talk different than a "normal" American or British person.

My real "mood", feeling I was in in my first post, was yes: muttering against win8's many services, but I was not angry -- at least not against any person -- now, win8 is not a person. It's not that i insult a person when I criticise newer versions of what we freaks call "windoofus", by which, "windows" (do I have to attach a "tm" now? Oh please not, thank you) is meant, of course.

Now, Aidan, it is good that you come along and try to function as a kind of referee. Also, I did not use caps, at least not overly, in my first post. Also, caps are, "ARE", :) , an expresion of emotions, yes, but can we please tolerate such expressions, which mean no harm to any other persons - not even to structures, physical ones.

But a software has been programmed by (faultily thinking) humans, and we must criticise, that actually, as of now, you, we, can not play DX10 games on XP. I am sad about that, because, technically, it is possible. About the legal, stuff, I really do not even have to care.

You, Aidan, saved Toms Hardware from getting a really bad reputation. Thank You, Shalom, Peace to You, good, in deed good Sir. Also, you tell me my words could anyhow have been interpreted as "offensive". Where, please? I simply don't understand the paranioa of some people like this Pinhedd. Also the other one then, who said, an admin could do all he ever wants, Does that include violent acts and acts of corruption or what. yea surely not, - I know. But still. Trying to justify all by authority doesn't work anymore nowadays.

Also, just to say that at the end here, I saw at some other thread, how really, most people like xp64, and they all dislike win8, they all dislike versions of win from vista on. Clear, why. I say it's the many services introduced in vista. terrible.

Apparently, this political-economical competition issue has an effect on admins abusing people who don't like newer win-OSs than xp64 (also called "win2003").

:) LOL - But easy, to You, Sir Aidan. A proud name Ye wearest mine Lorde. And mine English is rather really cultivated. Actually. Also here, you tried thumping upon me. People here see who has got style and who not -.- Sir. In and with all due respect. First, you or someone else from here pushes me down, then comes the discrimination.

My english would not be good. Do you have any other insult handy? :) LOL now indeed against Ye all here. !

I hereby declare to not be willing to anyhow obey any run-along self-appointed, not legally backed sudo-authorites. Period.


Overlord Emeritus

I have reviewed the thread and removed it for non-compliance due to language issues. If a post is not understandable or interpret-able, it has to be removed. I've also spoken with the moderator in question who was flummoxed by the confusing statements you made. On Tom's, we do receive a large number of users with tech issues who do not speak English as a native language, and frustration can certainly increase as the number of those instances increase. However, civility is required of all users on Tom's, and that includes Moderators. It will not happen again.

If a mod is right or wrong you don't go against them lol
They hold the ban hammer, they call the shots

Not quite, and I hold the Mod Hammer. If there is an issue with a Moderator, you may at any point in time contact me via private message here or email ( for an investigation and resolution to your issue.

As for your issue, I'm glad to hear that it was resolved for you, and we're sorry we couldn't have been of more assistance in the matter.

Warm Regards,
Joe Pishgar
Senior Community Manager, Tom's Hardware
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