My timeline is empty!


Nov 26, 2011

this link should provide you with your timeline:

But its always says "Your timeline is empty ! Follow tags to build your timeline and see articles and threads corresponding to your interests" Even though I'm following 31 tags!

It's been almost 3 weeks since I had this problem, I tried different computer and the result is the same, any ideas?
I am a member since yesterday and I just checked what it is about. Mine was empty too and after I clicked the Try it NOw button and added a tag, it instantly gave me a list of TimeLine articles, etc.

If this doenst work, I suggest you email a Moderator or Tech

Thank you,
where can I email the moderator?

Thank you, I hope it will get fixed soon
Doesn't seem to be updating for me either on multiple tags. I'm going to refer this to a member of the dev team who can further assist with investigation.

As an aside, it's quite interesting that you are having issues with the timeline, considering your avatar. 😉
The development team is investigating a fix for this, but there is actually a workaround in the interim. The bug crops up when a user is following either too many tags, or following the "Tom's Hardware" tag itself. If you can whittle down your list a bit, the timeline might start working again for you. I'd recommend removing the "Tom's Hardware" tag itself first and seeing if that resolves the issue.

Maybe two months before the OP

i am so nervous because of this problem 🙁
This issue has been slated for a fix. We've had several instances of solutions for this problem that have been developed, but none of them have panned out. From what I understand, we'll be pushing forward with one of them this week. Apologies for the delay - this has been one of the stranger... and tougher bugs to crop up in recent history.


appreciate any help you give, I'll wait
many thanks :)