My toshiba laptop wont connect to wifi. It says not internet secured. Ive tried resetting with no joy. All other appliences co

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Dec 9, 2016
My laptop wont connect to wifi. It has picked up signal but says no internet secured. Ive tried switching everything off and back on again. But still no joy. Ive deleted the wifi and added it again but still nothing. Can you help? Thanks

Hi it does see it. It went off last night been fine for ages. I ll take a pic when i get home. Driving me crazy haha

Thank you for replying. Ive not long got in. All our phones and my sons lenovo tablet/laptop is fine as well as his kindle fire. Do you think its worth taking laptop back to factory settings? Im with virgin media so shouldnt be a problem. Its been fine for good few months. Had a nightmare when i up graded to windows 10 but i sorted that. Not really sure how though haha. I ll try un plugging router again and see if that works. Thanks for your help
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