So quite recently around a 1 month ago I noticed that my PC have been VERY slow. I am a YouTuber and thus need to record and edit videos. I am noticing a lot of lag in games such as Rainbow Six Siege, I usually play on Ultra settings with no lag and recording it, but now I am getting pixelation when looking at walls and everything.
In Sony Vegas I was able to edit videos no problem, but now my Preview Window lags a lot and looks pixelated and blurry and starts rendering really pixelated and bad quality videos. And everytime I click out of sony vegas to do something on my second monitor and then click back into Sony Vegas it freezes for around 5-10 seconds before letting me able to do anything.
Audio also seems to cut off from time to time while playing.
I REALLY don't know what is happening =[ Its frustrating me a lot as I haven't been able to upload any videos to YouTube for over a month 🙁
Here is my gear:
GPU: AMD R9 390 8GB
PSU: 750W Coolermaster
Processor: i7 6700
Ram: 16 GB
I might be missing some information, tell me if I do.
Any help is REALLY appreciated! And thanks in advance!
In Sony Vegas I was able to edit videos no problem, but now my Preview Window lags a lot and looks pixelated and blurry and starts rendering really pixelated and bad quality videos. And everytime I click out of sony vegas to do something on my second monitor and then click back into Sony Vegas it freezes for around 5-10 seconds before letting me able to do anything.
Audio also seems to cut off from time to time while playing.
I REALLY don't know what is happening =[ Its frustrating me a lot as I haven't been able to upload any videos to YouTube for over a month 🙁
Here is my gear:
GPU: AMD R9 390 8GB
PSU: 750W Coolermaster
Processor: i7 6700
Ram: 16 GB
I might be missing some information, tell me if I do.
Any help is REALLY appreciated! And thanks in advance!