Mysterious Freezing Problem



Hey Tom.

Got a real mystery on my hands. Relates to world of warcraft, played the game for the last year with no difficulties. Suddenly as of 3.3 patch can play the game for 2-3 hours and then the screen and computer freeze up forcing a hard boot.

Here's the mystery, brand new Nvidia geforce 210 in the system, using cpuid hardware to look at heat, heat within the system/gpu is fine.

Have tested the hard drive, memory, gpu comes back with clean tests, 0 - zero problems.

So any idea's whats causing the freezing, seems to be happening to a lot of nvidia graphic card users.

All drivers are up to date.


P.s. forgot to say also system has been virus and malware scanned by more than one product, computer comes back clean 0 - zero infections.

So I'm really stumped