Mystery Adapter! Please Help!


Jul 11, 2009
Ok, So, I bought a CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra 7201 from last September. I'll post a link to this PC so you can look at the videocard/motherboard it has, or whatever other pertinent information is necessary.
Recently the Power Supply gave out so I sent it in to Cyberpower PC for repairs.
I *accidentally* sent the adapter for the monitor that came included with the PC to Cyberpower PC.
They did not return the adapter.
I called their tech support and they assured me it was simply a DVI-to-VGA adapter and that I could purchase one from Best Buy for about $5.
My PC does have 2 DVI slots, however my monitor did not hook up to them. My monitor was hooked up via an adapter to what I assume is the motherboard. The slot on the back of the PC that I had used is similar to the end of the standard monitor cable.
Where the monitor cable has 3 rows of 5 prongs, my PC has 1 row of 4 prongs and 1 row of 5 prongs.
I talked to customer service from and the representative told me I needed to buy a DVI-to-VGA/D-Sub Adapter. He assured me this was correct; I was very skeptical after about a month of trips to Best Buy and failed phone calls to Cyberpower tech support, and I am even more skeptical after seeing pictures of this adapter.
Can SOMEONE please tell me the part I need?! Better yet, tell me where I can buy it!?

Here is a link to my PC:
and just for good measure, here is my monitor:
Besides that, the only adapters you would see would be DVI to Dsub, or DVI to HDMI.

Assuming you do not have a DVI cable, as why the heck else would you want an adapter.. the dsub would be the only useful one for that display.

May I ask why the hell you would trust randoms on the internet and not tech support from new egg who have already answered your question? There, it is a whopping $3.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, just like the guy told you, all you need is a standard vga to dvi adapter. Nothing special, secretive, or hard about it.
If you have ever bought a new video card, or know someone who has, they usually have 1 or 2 of them in the box.

I didn't trust the dude from newegg because I bought a DVI-to-VGA adapter and it didn't work when I put it in for either port, and I thought I remember my monitor being plugged into something besides the DVI port, but I must have been wrong. I'm now told that there's something wrong with my videocard since nothing will display when I connect my monitor to the DVI-port.

I can't find the D-Sub adapter anywhere.
Best I can see from your pc's pictures is that you are trying to connect to the COM or aka serial port. This is an older very little used now connector. Old old style mouse's and external modems use this. As the support correctly stated you need to connect to one of the 2 lower down located connector on back of your pc. Only other connector on the video card I see is either a s-video out or plug for a rca breakout connector, neither of which you need for your monitor. My age is starting to show now!!
Just get a DVI cable. Then you will not need a adapter. If you are using the Dsub on the monitor then you will need a adapter for the DVI on the computer.

It will be better if you get a DVI cable vs DVI to Dsub adapter. It's the old analog vs digital argument. When you convert anything you have loss. It may not be a huge loss but some loss. I tested DVI vs Dsub, DVI Digital was cleaner the the Analog.

Just as jitpublisher said anyone who purchased a video card in the past year or two has atleast 1 adapter.Most cards come with a DVI - Dsub adapters and DVI -HDMI adapters.
