Mystery connectors What are they?


Mar 21, 2015


Does anyone know what these connectors are? These are among the headers and such in my case and I don't know what they are for. Are they for jumpers?

power supply connects to that 2nd pic connector, power goes to front panel which has power button and fan controller knobs or whatnot, that sends power out to that fan connector from your 1st pic, and fans connect there and get power that way.

basically, instead of your mobo giving power to the fans, the controller from your chassis does that.

benefit - you get to control the fans
downside - your bios or hardware monitor can't see fans or report on them, it assumes there are...

Yeah it is the nzxt phantom 410. Looks like it's from a fan controller, but Im not sure where the connectors go. It doesn't seem to fit in the fan chassis headers on my asrock extreme 4 mobo

you mean the connectors in the photos are what you connect the fans to? There don't seem to be any connectors from the fans themselves to connect to anything.

power supply connects to that 2nd pic connector, power goes to front panel which has power button and fan controller knobs or whatnot, that sends power out to that fan connector from your 1st pic, and fans connect there and get power that way.

basically, instead of your mobo giving power to the fans, the controller from your chassis does that.

benefit - you get to control the fans
downside - your bios or hardware monitor can't see fans or report on them, it assumes there are no fans

do i connect a molex from the psu to the fan controller via the second pic?
thanks for all your help :)