N42 - Media box - Display problem


Jan 6, 2012
Hi All,

Recently bought one of these http://www.kodlix.com/945/ from Amazon, its a great spec'd device but I am getting a problem where it would loose signal and the screen displays a grey fuzzy screen (Just like a tv channel without the channel or even whitenoise is it called? )

I have tried many things such as a new hdmi cable and a different TV and still getting the issue.

For me to get it to work again I have either turn the TV off or pull the hdmi from the device and it works again.

Any one got any ideas what the problem is ? if its hardware or software related?

thanks all

I have emailed them but in the time being i thought I would ask to just make sure it wasn't something stupid ... but to me it looks like the unit is loosing signal somewhere down the line.

It is capable of 4k Reso but I have had it on 1080p reso to make sure its not overheating of some kind, never had this before in my years of I.T