Name of A PC game from late 90's


Feb 1, 2013
I am looking for a PC game name which I used to play in late 90's (1995 to 1999). I only remember few things about it.

This game was of some sort of conquering the empire if your enemy. You had bankers who used to do collections from various businesses in the city and then you can upgrade them to hotels or casinos. It was kind of some gangster role playing.

You had for your security different types of men with different skills. Like a baseball guy, a shotgun guy etc. and one of these guys used to say "okie Dokie boss" when you give him some command. You can have cars in which you can make 4 to 5 of your men to be seated and drive around almost anywhere in the town,

Can anyone please tell me the name of this game??

Ouch, you just found a TERRIBLE case of abandon-ware. Um...
So, here is a bit of info link and there are only 2 copies I could find. One here link and here link.

Anyway, glad you found it. Good luck getting a copy and cracking it! Happy gaming.
Thanks for the link. I downloaded it and tried playing. This game does not look like the one i used to play. In that game streets were deserted only u and ur men, collectors etc u culd see on the streets. U had various options to employ various men for protection, and then upgrade business from hotel to casions etc.. The map of entire city was dark except ur area... any idea?
Erm, well, that was my only idea for '95 to '99. check these out and see if you played them a bit later than you thought.

2001- Gangsters 2: Vendetta
2002- Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Ouch, you just found a TERRIBLE case of abandon-ware. Um...
So, here is a bit of info link and there are only 2 copies I could find. One here link and here link.

Anyway, glad you found it. Good luck getting a copy and cracking it! Happy gaming.

2+ years later, you give me the answer that I was wondering for sooo long, thanks! Now, let see if I can make it playable, such a gem!