@ MonsterCookie, I actually do understand your frustration. I lived in Europe for several years and can attest to the high income tax rate. But, then you have free medical health insurance, a solid public transportation system, and better sustained infrastructure overall vs. the United States as a whole (there are some exceptions). For example, the Autobahns in Germany are immaculate compared to the crack and pothole ridden US highways. This is part of the reason why higher speeds can be sustained on the Auobahn vs. US highways. European cars are much better designed and perform better overall vs. American cars. The majority of European workers take greater pride in the work they do even though the salaries ae not as high as some (not all) engineers who work in the US. The point is there is always a tid for tad. There are pros and cons for everything no matter where you live. You do know there are great computer monitors that can be bought for much less money than this overpriced hunk of junk, right? Dell and Acer sell IPS 4K monitors for less than $1000 (or 1000 Euro) and offer near-similiar performance and specifications. They may not be of the professional monitor grade quality, but then again we are not professionals that require the specifications of one. As the consumer, you have the right to buy from the competition, buy a lower end model, buy used (second hand), or not to buy at all and wait for prices to go down.