Hi, I'm a senior film student in need of a good workstation I can use for my own projects as well as freelance work. I plan on using adobe premier, after effects, and elment3d, and capping some gaming footage.
Approximate Purchase Date: 5-10 days
Budget Range: $2-3k
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Video Editing with Premier, After Effects, Element3D, Photoshop, Capturing Gaming and Video Footage
Are you buying a monitor: Yes, but I'll probably buy one I can physically check out first.
Parts to Upgrade: Starting from scratch
Do you need to buy OS: Yes
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: I have a $500 gift cert from microcenter I need to use as part of my budget. The rest can come from wherever.
Location: City, State/Region, Country - Denver, Colorado
Parts Preferences: Whatever will serve me best
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Your Monitor Resolution: at least 1920 x1080
Additional Comments: I'd like 64 gigs of ram
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I have a 10 year old computer that's so crummy I can't even use it to watch the film's I shoot, let alone edit them.
I've read and surfed the forums quite a bit, and from what I can tell The "Black Pearl" by Brandon402 looks like the best already posted option for me, but perhaps there are better builds?
Additionally I will need more than 2tb storage, as my last 2 films took a combined 2tb.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and help me out.
Approximate Purchase Date: 5-10 days
Budget Range: $2-3k
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Video Editing with Premier, After Effects, Element3D, Photoshop, Capturing Gaming and Video Footage
Are you buying a monitor: Yes, but I'll probably buy one I can physically check out first.
Parts to Upgrade: Starting from scratch
Do you need to buy OS: Yes
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: I have a $500 gift cert from microcenter I need to use as part of my budget. The rest can come from wherever.
Location: City, State/Region, Country - Denver, Colorado
Parts Preferences: Whatever will serve me best
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Your Monitor Resolution: at least 1920 x1080
Additional Comments: I'd like 64 gigs of ram
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I have a 10 year old computer that's so crummy I can't even use it to watch the film's I shoot, let alone edit them.
I've read and surfed the forums quite a bit, and from what I can tell The "Black Pearl" by Brandon402 looks like the best already posted option for me, but perhaps there are better builds?
Additionally I will need more than 2tb storage, as my last 2 films took a combined 2tb.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and help me out.