Need a check for my pc.


yeah that ones good. Your welcome.

its pretty average about 23-26 maybe 30 some days

Ok, if it was hotter I would recommend an extra case fan or 2 since you have a mid size tower and a gpu that will dump heat back into your case but I think it should be fine. For that price it's a good build.

alright and do you know how i can get my pc to download windows 8.1 from a usb. Also it wouldnt be a problem for the heat right

No, there wouldn't be a problem with the heat. just make sure your pc has good airflow (make sure no wires block case fans or things like that) I think this explains how to do it. This ones better.
and a final question, if there were to be a blackout (power shutdown) because it happens every once in a while, would that affect the pc
hardware with that psu or should i get something better

No, it shouldn't hurt anything. Make sure your pc is plugged into a surge protector though. If your really worried about blackouts then you can always get a UPS

i have one exactly like this
thats fine right and thank you very much for the help really appreciate it bro

yeah that ones good. Your welcome.