Hey there, it's good to be back. What I'm looking for today is a CPU cooler for my recently acquired Intel i5-3570K, which will be used moderately to heavily for gaming purposes. Now, the case that I am upgrading to is a Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119160&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=6146836&SID=125l0tsegk58m), just to let you guys get an idea for how much room we're talking here. However, I don't want a cooler that is an absolute monster and takes up half the case, and I would prefer if it was a fan one, with that nice shiny copper tubing perhaps? I never really got into liquid cooling, but if that seems like the best way to go I wouldn't mind leaning that way. If liquid cooling gives me a substantial difference from air cooling and is more bang for buck than please don't hesitate to suggest anything! I would also prefer if the price stayed reasonable, maybe $150 or less? And if you wouldn't mind adding on good suggestions for thermal compound I would really appreciate it! Thanks.