Need a faster way to charge my Huawei P8

I just did a search for huawei p8 quick charger and saw there were 2.4amp chargers for it.
However 1 review stated "However, while Huawei promised us fast charging with the Huawei P8, I couldn’t get it to charge up in less than three hours, whether I was using the bundled charger or other quick charge solutions from the likes of Motorola." also the Huawei ceo has said that quick charging is bad for batteries so it's likely they chose against such option.
thats modern phones for ya unfortunately. next phone you get make sure to do your research. Im using an Xperia T thats over 3 years old now and the battery is suffering. takes about 6 hours (atleast) to charge up from flat.
Well its the one I could afford which had a brilliant off and had everything I wanted in smart phone, The better battery life ones cost way more monthly than I could afford, though I read some of the forums on here a one person said that the lower the charging the safer your battery is as faster can damage batteries.

I guess it not that bad but its slightly annoying.

I got a monthly contract of 300mins 5000 texts and 4GB 4G for £21 a month with no upfront cost so I'm happy with that, even the guys at the store were surprised by that offer and of how good it was.