Need A Final Check and Last Minute Advice About My Build Before Purchasing!


Jun 16, 2012
Hey guys. I need to make sure all the parts in my build are compatible and if I forgot to add something. I am really nervous and scared that I'll accidentally buy two parts that don't work together so I just wanted to check to see if they work together. The two parts I am very scared about buying is the new 4790K CPU I put in the build and the motherboard. There aren't too many reviews on these items so I am scared that there might be a better motherboard or that the 4770K might be better. Thanks guys. Oh, and with the SBZ sound card, I am getting a Phillips Fidelio X1 to help game and also have great headphones for music use.

Motherboard supports 4th and 5th gen Intel CPUs. i7 4790k is on the supported CPU list.

Motherboard has ALC1150 on board audio CODEC. It includes a 600 Ohm capable rear jack amplifier, which is good for high end headphones. You really do not need a seperate sound card.

The 500GB SSD is a little large. You could probably get by with a 250GB and save some money. But this is personal preference and depends on the games and apps you use the most and how large their installs are.

The power supply is a little overkill for a single GPU setup. You could probably get by with a 750w and still have some room to upgrade.

Everything else looks really good. High quality parts...
Looks good, everything is compatible. Get the 4790k, refresh items are always improved upon. You may want to pick up some thermal paste, I'm not really sure what comes with the H212 Evo.
Motherboard supports 4th and 5th gen Intel CPUs. i7 4790k is on the supported CPU list.

Motherboard has ALC1150 on board audio CODEC. It includes a 600 Ohm capable rear jack amplifier, which is good for high end headphones. You really do not need a seperate sound card.

The 500GB SSD is a little large. You could probably get by with a 250GB and save some money. But this is personal preference and depends on the games and apps you use the most and how large their installs are.

The power supply is a little overkill for a single GPU setup. You could probably get by with a 750w and still have some room to upgrade.

Everything else looks really good. High quality parts all around. Compatability should not be an issue.

The 212 EVO stock paste is very good. Should be fine, especially if he goes with the 4790. 😉

The SSD might be changed to the 250 GB version (what I originally was planning on buying) but I will have to think about it a little more. I have a day or two to decide, though, so it's plenty of time.

The PSU is like that to support dual Ti's a year or two down the road when my single Ti isn't making the most use of my 144 hz monitor.

About the sound card, I researched it for weeks on end. I will use it for the directional audio and not for music. The CMSS-3D directional software that comes with Creative Sound Cards is exactly what I need for the best directional queues competitive FPS games. If I want later in time, I can get an amp and dac combo (most likely the "Schiit Stack") to get better sounding music. The sound card, as you said, isn't worth it only for music purposes and will be useless in that aspect but for directional audio, it will be great. Also, the ohm amplifier you mentioned is actually bad for the FIdelio X1's as they are only 32 ohms and there is a rule that states that an amp should amplify by 1/8 of the headphone's ohms (so in this case 4). The onboard sound-card will output much more than 4 which breaks the rule and makes the bass bloated. As I said before, the "Schiit Stack" will provide better sounding music later on in time as amp follows the 1/8 rule and the dac will enhance the music. Sorry if this was weirdly worded but it is very difficult for me to explain it all in one paragraph haha. Thanks to both of you for the help! Hopefully I can have my new PC running after almost 5 years with my iMac!

Edit: Forgot to include my question. As I said above, I will most likely use the PSU for dual 780 Ti's. Will this motherboard support two 780 Ti's and a sound card? I have heard some reviews complaining about the PCI-E slots not being x16 or something and I am wondering if that will affect the compatibility of SLI and a sound card at the same time.. Also, while we are talking motherboards, is there a better motherboard you would recommend or is this the best one you can buy? Most of the Z97 motherboards are currently the same price ($210-220ish) so money wouldn't really be a factor. I do not know very much about motherboards and which brand is known for the best motherboards but I did hear a little about this one so I just picked this board.