beats studios are also junk. while not absolutely terrible, they are about 3x the price they should be.
however, you would probably be best with a good pair of headphones and pairing them up with something like a modmic boom.
as for surround, if you have a soundcard which supports dolby headphone, cmss-3d or other headphone surround format you can generate virtual on your headphones.
the trouble with extreme bass like you seem to want is that the treble will get drowned out. typically such headphones are more oriented towards the lower end and can end up with some murk in mids and highs. typically highs are also a bit recessed.
beats would be classified as a "bassy" headphone. there are more bassy headphones out there. not sure how much bass is what you like... "bassy" headphones typically have good low end but some extreme bassheads like more such as "bass cannon" type headphones. however, clarity goes right out the window then and you might as well have subwoofers on your head. your choice.
an example of this would be the sony xb500 for $120. very extreme bass response however it severely compromises sound. they are very muddy/murky and the bass just feels completely unnatural. if all you care about is BOOM BOOM then they do that but thats about it. personally i wouldnt go for it due to the murk but your choice. this is considered as a bassy headphone.
the jvc ha-mr77x is a bass cannon and doesnt have good high or mid clarity but is pretty cheap at only $95. if you want BOOM BOOM it would be good however not if you want any sort of clarity.
list of bassy headphones
in the same category of bassy headphones as the beats are but at much better clarity and/or price are:
ath-m50s which can go for $99 on ebay open-box or $120 sealed box. fairly bassy headphones with pretty decent upper/mid clarity. definitely worth looking into and better than beats by far.
dt770pro 80ohm version. similar to the m50s, these are another good bassy headphone. slightly wider soundstage than the m50s and also better than the beats. available for $160-180 normally.
depending on the headphone you get, you might need an amplifier.
personally i'd say the dt770pro-80ohm is a good choice paired up with a modmic.
if you go with any really crazy basshead headphones (anything more than the "bassy class") you might want a desk mic instead to keep it away from the vibrating headphones which might cause issues.