Need a gaming laptop below US$650

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Louis Lo

Jul 16, 2013
Hi everyone,
I need some help for buying a gaming laptop under 650 bucks. I have an Acer ET1862 for 3 years now, it can't even run a game like Battlefield 1942 at the lowest preference, it still lags at those preference.

Here are the specs I need:

Processor: Intel i5 or above
Graphics card: NVIDIA , cuz I need to run game like Battlefield 3, Crysis 3, Diablo 3, Arma 3 , Mass Effect 3, Dead Space 3 and other games. All I need is that everything runs smoothly at the lowest speculations.

Battery: Doesn't really matter.

Screen size: Doesn't really matter.

Hard Drive storage: 500GB

Would appreciate all advice and suggestions, thanks a lot.
Is there some overwhelming reason it HAS to be a laptop?
Because for $700 you can put together a very solid gaming desk top.
Think $1200 (maybe less on sale) for the same performance from a laptop.

You probably won't find a decent gaming laptop for less than $900 USD. You can look at some AMD apu laptops, namely ones with the A10 processor, but other than that I'd look for something refurbished or used at the 650 price point.
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