Need a good Mobo for my build (Need answer by Oct 9th)


Sep 28, 2015
This is the GPU I have, and the CPU I will be purchasing with a new board October 9th.

GPU: MSI Radeon R9 390X Gaming Edition

CPU: AMD FX-8350 Vishera 8-Core

I would like to get a mobo that will support the CPU and GPU
What it needs: AM3+, PCIe 2.0 x16 preferred, or 3.0
Price Range: $60-170

Here is the Mobo that I planned to buy, but somewhere in the reviews; a reviewer stated that the mobo stopped using his CPU at full potential compared to the mobo he switched from (Stated that he/she tested both to determine if the mobo may be the issue)

Planned purchase:

So my request; Please inform me of a solid mobo (I don't want to cheap-out on it) that will use my GPU and CPU to full potential, better than my planned board, or if my planned board actually should be fine and I'm worrying over nothing. If a better mobo than my planned purchase is presented, please give me a link (newegg preferred)

Additional Info: My PC is an AMD build, I use my PC for gaming, I am purchasing these parts Oct. 9th so quick replies would be very useful!

Thank you for reading my thread!
It is better. And if you don't plan on upgrading for a while, by all means go for that Sabertooth. May as well, since it doesn't cut into the upgrade budget if it's 3 years away.

Depends on whether you plan on upgrading your system soon.

And also, I agree with Tradesman. MSI AMD and Intel ones at that time is bad.

So your linked board is way better than the MSI board I had planned? (Thank you lol, I'm not very knowledgeable in this area right now, I was satisfied with my GPU from them so I was gonna go with another one of their products)

and I don't plan on upgrading my system extremely soon, as this is an upgrade at the moment. However, I will upgrade my PC within the next 3 years again, maybe sooner depending on if my gaming/streaming requires it.
Turns out I'm going to go with the one you linked haha, the sabertooth has multiple reviews about a capacitor blowing and sparking an electrical fire to occur in their tower. I would not like to risk that, also seemed to have many issues with the memory slots.

I'm posting this in case anyone reads this, and decides to buy that sabertooth board; most reviews say its awesome, those few that have had flames emit in their board though, with my luck that would be me..