Need a High End PSU recomendation


Nov 15, 2010
I need a really good SINGLE power supply recomendation. I will be OCing to 4.5ghz - 5.0ghz and this is a primary gaming system.
My hardware...
Gigabyte G1 Sniper2 mboard
Ram G-Skill ddr3 1866 (4x4gig sticks)
Intel 2600K cpu
Antec Kuhler H2O 620 Liquid Cooling System
Case Silverstone Raven Rv01
2x 180mm Silverstone performance fans (not the stock Raven ones)
2 120mm Thermaltake 3500rpm exhaust fans (1 on Silverstone 3 5.25 to 4 sata harddrive dock SST-CFP52b)
1 NZXT Sentry LXE Touch Screen Fan Controller
1 Lite-on slim dvdr burner
1 LG Blue ray combo dvdr burner
Asus Xoner D2 sound card
1 PCI express 4 port high Point card (not raid)
1 60gig SSd cacheing harddrive
1 300gig WD Raptor 10k rpm harddrive
6 WD green 3TB drives
1 Wd 2TB Black harddrives
Logitec G19 Keyboard
4 3 LED lights
Currently running a single GTX 470, But WILL upgrade to dual GTX590s in January

I've been thinking about a Silverstone 1500 watt psu, but I'm open for any sugestions. (room temp varies from 65F to 80F)
Might be able to run dual psus if I can figure out how to connect the second one. Could mount it on the back of the Raven.



This is NOT true as far as PCPC not being a Top Tier PSU supplier. PCPC operates as a subsidiary of OCZ but still sells top quality PSUs produced by Seasonic and other manufacturers - as they always have. Independent PSU reviews still show PCPC PSUs to be some of the best available.



You're entitled to your opinion but independent reviews show the PCPC PSUs to still be fine, top quality PSUs. Most of them are now produced by Seasonic though in the past there were other suppliers also.

The link you showed does not indicate any specific issues with PCPC PSUs nor have I read any negative reviews on PCPC PSUs. It doesn't matter who makes it, what matters is how it performs and the quality of the design and components.

The Silverstone 1500W is one of the few good PSUs from Silverstone.


Yes I understand that. But you can't make blanket statements when the individual PSUs are made by companies of varying degrees of quality. That's why they aren't top tier IMO.

It also depends on which PCP&C was reviewed. Some are not rated as well. OCZ basically bought a quality name to help with sales.

If there is a specific PC Power and Cooling model you think is suitable post a link to an in-depth review.

I would never say "Silverstone makes great PSUs" but I will research one and base an isolated decision upon a review of a specific model.

The only company that I truly will buy based solely on name, is Seasonic.



You can look at ANY PCPC PSU review and they will note the excellent quality components and voltage control with low ripple. The only thing PCPC ever got hit for was noisy fans. All of the PCPC PSUs have been top notch quality and I should know because I've used them and Seasonic PSU's for the past 20 years in many PC builds.

As far as I know the only good PSU Silverstone sells is the 1500W PSU.


Nov 15, 2010
Just to put in my two cents here..I have used about 30 psu over the years and EVERY one of them has aventually failed. The ONLY psu that is still going without any issues at all,(except for a wide open noisy 80mm fan), is my 4 year old PC Power Turbo Cool 870 watter.I do love PC Power, but with this new build I'm gonna have to take a chance with the ST 1500 from Silverstone it looks like. I am just a little skeptic on it having 4 12v rails instead of a single one. But I wont have to worry about that until I get my two GTX590's in January.
On another note... Silverstone does make a ST 1200 watt Gold series with a single rail. But I'm like you guys, I think that little extra headroom will be nice to have.
PC Power needs to come out with a nice 1500 watter by January.....

I almost forgot. About 1.5 years ago i got hit by lightning. Had the PC power up and running, and then BAM! All hell broke loose. Loud electronic smush of a noise, PC shut down, lights dimed on and off for a good minute it seemed, Then I look over and my PC Power was litterly smoking, rolling right out the back of the case. Just knew it was time for a new computer then. Sent the PC power in for an rma, two weeks later I was back up and running and aint stoped since. The PSU took ALL of that lightning surge and my entire system is still running today. On a rebuilt PC Power 870 watter with a loud 80mm fan no less.I did have to pay shipping to send it to them, but was only about 12 bucks and they gave me no grief at all.