Need a manual, cannot find...


May 17, 2016
I have looked endlessly for a manual, I need any jumper settings and power/reset connector settings but cannot find them for a:
MSI ms-7601 ver 2.0 motherboard
Thank you all for your help.
I have found the manual,
but heres my issue, after hooking it all up again, illuminating hardware/per issues, just hooking up mopbo to power switch, cpu fan and power switch, I get a quick "blue light" and quick cpu fan spin then nothing.
in oreder to repeat this I must unplug power cord, turn psu off then back on, replace power cord, then again a quick on and off and nothing else... I had this working years back but do not remember what I did to solve this issue, any ideas?
I also jumpered the power switch on the 24 pin connector and same issue....
Ok, bad PSU...
Strangest thing ever seen, would turn on in 220 many different combos, with 4 pin cpu connector, with 24 pin, with 20 pin, no 4pin, with peripheals, without...
ANYWAY, finaly hooked up different PSU and was able to do it all.
guess I need to get back into building/repairing PC's, amazing how much you can for get in a short 5-10