Need a new game


Aug 1, 2017
Hello, I am creating this thread because I need your opinion and recomendations on a new game to play. I want to feel the amazing addiction and a game that I really just connect to. The games I like (to give you guys kind of an idea) is bf1, OW, the AC series (kinda) , The witcher 3, I like the past CoD games as well. And for the love of god dont tell me pubg. Most lame thing ive ever seen. Thanks in advance :)
I actually only got into AC a couple of months ago. I picked up the games up to AC3 on PC for 20$ and started playing. Once I got to AC2 I got hooked and played through the Ezio trilogy in like 2 weeks. AC3 was a huge drop off for me however. I was still interested in the Desmond story (Even though I was already spoiled). But I didn't realy like Connor. So I'm still stuck halfway through that game. I will finish it eventually.
As for BF2, I played the first game on several occasions. I played the beta on PC and played it a few times at a friends house on console. However I got bored of it pretty quickly. I don't think I would play that game even 10 hours if I decided to buy it. Part 1 that is. If they do a beta or some free trial...
I can't just name one game so i made a small list of my favorites.

Dragon Age Origins if you are into classical fantasy RPGs. I mixes the classical top down RPG with a more modern 3rd person RPG.

The original trilogy of Mass Effect is also amazing. Great Story and NPCs, part 2 and 3 have good gameplay (ME1 is just decent when it comes to gameplay).

Warframe is a great free to play game that is fair to player who don't spend. The gameplay is one of the best there is. However it does a poor job on explaining things to beginners.

The previous Witcher games if you haven't tried them. Witcher 1 might be kinda boring at first but gets better once you get into it. Witcher 2 is my favorite of the series. The lack of open world IMO made the game better.

Star Wars Knights of the old republic if you don't mind the dated graphics (2003). If you like Star Wars, It's a must. Even if you don't you might enjoy it. I'm not into SW but the game is one of my favorites.

Thanks! will definetly look into all the games you listed. War frame seems cool, what do you do exaclty ? is it a competetive game or just an ffa arcade ? Im pretty hyped about AC orgins and Star wars battlefront 2 looks cool. What are your thougts on those 2 games ?
I actually only got into AC a couple of months ago. I picked up the games up to AC3 on PC for 20$ and started playing. Once I got to AC2 I got hooked and played through the Ezio trilogy in like 2 weeks. AC3 was a huge drop off for me however. I was still interested in the Desmond story (Even though I was already spoiled). But I didn't realy like Connor. So I'm still stuck halfway through that game. I will finish it eventually.
As for BF2, I played the first game on several occasions. I played the beta on PC and played it a few times at a friends house on console. However I got bored of it pretty quickly. I don't think I would play that game even 10 hours if I decided to buy it. Part 1 that is. If they do a beta or some free trial through Origin Access I will try it and decide afterwards. If they can pull of the Space battles I might buy it.

This video does a better job explaining Warframe than I ever could. But to keep it short. It's about grinding for gear to grind for more gear. I know it sounds bad but you should check out that video for a more detailed description

Ok I'm convinced. Warframe looks pretty cool. Ill pick it up. Thanks a bunch dude!!!