Need a new video card


May 8, 2014

CPU_Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 960 @ 3.20GHz
CPU_Manufacturer: GenuineIntel
CPU_Caption: Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
CPU_ProcessorId: BFEBFBFF000106A5
CPU_CurrentClockSpeed: 3201MHz
CPU_AddressWidth: 64Bits
CPU_DataWidth: 64Bits
CPU_SocketDesignation: CPU 1
Verified Hardware Device against Order: VARIABLEXYZ
Verify Correct Processor Frequency

System Memory

Memory Module
Mem_Capacity: 2048MB
Mem_BankLabel: DIMM #1
Mem_Type: DDR3
Mem_Bandwidth: PC3-10660 (1333 MHz)
Mem_Frequency: 1336MHz
Memory Module
Mem_Capacity: 2048MB
Mem_BankLabel: DIMM #2
Mem_Type: DDR3
Mem_Bandwidth: PC3-10660 (1333 MHz)
Mem_Frequency: 1336MHz
Memory Module
Mem_Capacity: 2048MB
Mem_BankLabel: DIMM #3
Mem_Type: DDR3
Mem_Bandwidth: PC3-10660 (1333 MHz)
Mem_Frequency: 1336MHz

BIOS Information

BIOS_Manufacturer: Alienware
BIOS_Name: Network:MBA v11.0.14 Slot 0500
BIOS_Version1: A03
BIOS_Version2: ALWARE - 20091028

Motherboard Information

MB_Manufacturer: Alienware
MB_Product: 0J560M
MB_SerialNumber: ..CN697029BO0396.
MB_Version: A00

Video Adapter

Video_Caption: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series
Video_AdapterRAM: 1024MB
Video_DriverVersion: 8.660.0.0

That's my current rig. I recently got Dragon Age Inquisition and it's killing my system, I clearly need upgrades and figure graphics card is the way to go. I'm not computer guy but I can change a card simply enough. I was just wondering what way I should look. I'm willing to spend $200-$300 or so I could toss in some more if it really made a difference. I currently have the to HD 5800's in crossfire but I am ok with just on card if it's going to preform better.

Any help at all giving me an idea would help. I have been out of the buying stuff for computers game for so long I felt lost when I was looking on the web for cards.

Thank you again.


*Edit Forgot I currently have a LG 20" wide screen monitor I run in 1600x900 res if that matters.
the 970 and 280x have the same bandwidth and they both have the same textual rate basically the 970 can beat the 280x in the pixle rate section (AA and resolution)
Power Supply, just looked, opened the side and I can't see a sticker. It's either on the hidden side or under the power supply (really dumb place for it). I'm going to have to take it out to see. I don't believe there is a way to find out without physically looking on the PSU?
the 970 and 280x have the same bandwidth and they both have the same textual rate basically the 970 can beat the 280x in the pixle rate section (AA and resolution)