A lot of wasted money in this build. 500GB SSD is totally unnecessary, 16gb RAM is also not needed for gaming and 700w PSU is too much for a single card. I recommend you downgrade those and put the money into a GTX 770
What's your budget for a case? Do you want a window, Full tower, or?
I think your build would work but I'd get a smaller SSD, an HDD and improve the graphics to a 4GB flavor of GTX 770
A lot of wasted money in this build. 500GB SSD is totally unnecessary, 16gb RAM is also not needed for gaming and 700w PSU is too much for a single card. I recommend you downgrade those and put the money into a GTX 770
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2KCy0 Here's my revised build based off of what you said let me know if it's better. I really appreciate the help thank you.
What's your budget for a case? Do you want a window, Full tower, or?
I think your build would work but I'd get a smaller SSD, an HDD and improve the graphics to a 4GB flavor of GTX 770
Revised build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2KCC6
I think a window would be great but I'm pretty new at this and the budget would probably be under $200 or so but still I'm not too sure if that's reasonable just let me know.