getting to the point right away, im upgrading my cpu from intel g860 to an intel i7 3770 and im waiting for it to be delivered, the motherboard that i have is msi h61m-e33 w8, 4gigs of ram, amd hd 7790, using cx430 psu. I worry that this whole setup is going to fail, cpu being one of the good ones and my motherboard isnt at the same level and also i use an amd gpu. we've all heard the intel-amd incompatibility. a few more questions i have are that is the whole system going to bottleneck? i have never had a decent pc in my life that could run games and do stuff without hickups. i worry if it is going to be the same case this time too. i will be sticking to this setup for a while before i make any more upgrades. another question, is the cx430 enough for the setup?