need a replacement motherboard


Sep 11, 2014
the motherboard is bad on a hp media center m7160n. am looking for a replacement motherboard that will pretty much fit into the current configuration. any suggestions?
That is an old obsolete motherboard. I'm afraid your best hope for an exact replacement will be someplace like ebay:

You can opt for a retail MB, but that will void the Windows OEM license. You will have to re-install the OS and possibly jump through a few hoops to get it activated again once MS sees you are attempting to reuse an OEM license on a different PC (MS ties the license to the motherboard).
thanks for the reply. i have no problem dealing with ms. is it worth replacing the mb? or should i just look at a complete new system? and if it is worth replacing the mb, is there a certain one that i should look at?
Replacing the MB can be an easy swap or a headache, depending on the rest of the system. In the case of an OEM like HP, you may run into proprietary problems if you don't get an exact replacement. Depending on your usage for a PC, it may be time to upgrade. Are you interested in building your own?
Again thanks for replying. This system is/was for just general use, e-mail, search, maybe a little streaming and such, nothing major and heavy usage. Not for what this system would be used for, but thanks. Guess I will just go get a cheap one off the shelf, for what it is used for. Again Thank You for your input.