Question Need a small (cpu) upgrade

Mar 15, 2025
Hi all,

I need some advice. I'm still playing BF1 after years but i have the feeling that my system comes something short. Especially during a chaotic and full server i expierence some small lag. I think its caused by my CPU as its not powerful enough to handle the busyness during gaming in a full server.

Also, i would like to prepare my system with a upgrade for the upcoming BF6.

What do you guys prefer for the LGA 1151 platform if we also have to keep the upcoming Battlefield 6 in mind? Also the upgrade in the CPU shouldnt bottleneck the GPU. After BF6 is released there is a big chance i will upgrade the GPU also.

My current system:
i5 7600K 3.8ghz
Radeon RX 480 4GB
16GB ddr4
Samsung 250GB SSD
Seasonic Focus Gold 750 watt
MSI Z270 Tomahawk motherboard

Thank you
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The only processor you can drop in without changing out the motherboard is the i7-7700K. If you're looking at BF6, they are traditionally known to be CPU intensive. In 2025, the system you have will be capable of gaming but not at 60FPS @ 1080p which is the baseline in 2025...more so above 60FPS. You're going to need a platform upgrade eventually.

16GB ddr4
Got a link to this? If you're not on DDR4-3200MHz, that's some performance lost from your platform.
You indicate that your slowdown happens on full server.
It suggests that more cores would be a good boost.
Look into a i7-7700K processor. It boosts the available threads from 4 to 8.
Probably $120 or so on ebay.
Past that a new motherboard and cpu will be required.
Yeah, I would say just swap platforms. You can stick with DDR4 with Intel, and their older chips are pretty well discounted.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: Intel Core i5-12600KF 3.7 GHz 10-Core Processor ($139.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z790 S WIFI DDR4 (rev. 1.0) ATX LGA1700 Motherboard ($121.01 @ Amazon)
Total: $261.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2025-03-19 11:01 EDT-0400

12700K ($200) / 12700KF ($180) are also quite reasonably priced.
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