Need A Stable OC For This CPU / Motherboard


Aug 1, 2014

I was wondering if anyone could find / knows of a stable over clock (without changing voltage) for the Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2, and the FX-6100 (Stock Cooler). I also have a 750w 80+ Gold Certified PSU and an R9 290, which I need a good oc to prevent bottle necking.
Wow... you can not use a game to stress test and tell if it is stable. Use Intel Burn Test and Prime 95. These will stress your CPU and generate the heat that a heavy CPU load will generate.

If you want to know how close you are for CPU temps for throttling go by this guide.

use AMD Over drive to tell how close you are coming to throttling while stressed with the programs I mentioned. If the CPU is unstable the programs will tell you the tests have failed.

I will give this a go, thanks.

The stock coolers really don't give enough head room for OCing the FX series CPU's. If you want to OC then I recommend getting an aftermarket cooler.

you can hit your max speed with out a voltage bump by looking in CPU-Z to see the highest voltage it hits when it hit the max turbo clock speed. then enter the Bios and manually set the voltage to that and up the multiplier so the CPU runs at its max speed all eh time. Also disable turbo core tech in the bios so the CPU will not try to adjust the frequency any higher.

The FX chips get really hot when OCed so watch your temps. They will lower the frequency to keep from over heating so if you do not have enough cooling you will only hurt the performance.

With stock cooler, I averaged 32 degrees on all cores while playing Battlefield 3 maxed out. This is at 3.7 ghz with Turbo Cores. I will try to go .5 multiplier at a time with manual controls though.


I'm running stable at 3.5 ghz though... I will try out BF3, if temps are good under 70 degrees should I keep it?
Wow... you can not use a game to stress test and tell if it is stable. Use Intel Burn Test and Prime 95. These will stress your CPU and generate the heat that a heavy CPU load will generate.

If you want to know how close you are for CPU temps for throttling go by this guide.

use AMD Over drive to tell how close you are coming to throttling while stressed with the programs I mentioned. If the CPU is unstable the programs will tell you the tests have failed.