Need a temporary GPU for new build


Nov 30, 2011
All my parts are ordered and on the trucks but no GPU as I am waiting for the GeForce 900 series to come out. I need a temporary GPU - probably will buy a used one for hopefully less than $100. I have a GTS 8800 in old box now - could take that one out for the new build but family still using the old computer, Any ideas on a descent card at least a little better than the 8800? It's for a Intel Core i7 with Gigabyte GA-Z97X-UD5H PCI e 1x16


you can get a uused radeon 4850 or 4870 or 4890 for less than $100 now on ebay and amazon.. those cards are still really good but they just dont have direct x11 on them just direct 10.1.. believe me they are good enough to use and are way better than the 8800..hope i helped

Just found out I need to go with Nvidia to be able to use the 3D on the monitor with Nvidia vision 2 kit. So what is the minimum GeForce card I should look for?