Need a very tiny pc (web server + 1080p video play)


Sep 24, 2011
I need a very tiny pc with the following criteria:

Must have:
- Tiny form factor
- Should not be noisy (it's for bedroom)
- capable of running Ubuntu (driver issues?)
- play 1080p videos stored locally (mkv files)
- an ethernet port (meh)
- HDMI or DVI output

- Bluetooth connectivity
- wifi connectivity
- Low power consumption (<30W)
- cost <$300
- Should not get hot to touch when "always on"
- IR remote control
- multimedia card reader
- USB 3.0

I have no preference whether it's an Intel / AMD / other as long as it gets the job done.

I'd prefer a prebuilt system over getting my hands dirty.

Any suggestions as to what may fit my requirements?

Too big in size 🙁
OK, maybe a netbook? This will close around $150-175 w/ shipping...

Double check the c60 fusion CPU will do the job you want.

I'd skip the ZBOX based on Atom barebones. At $230 + Memory + Disk you end up with a pretty expensive, slow solution. If you end up with zbox look at the AMD fusion options. I think there was a problem of some kind with the e450 solution, but others got good reviews.
OK, maybe a netbook?
I'll have trouble with the lid always open (the LCD screens are delicate, and I don't want to run into them). A "screenless" option would work best for me. I'll add my own monitor. There is very little desk space to waste here, so netbook probably a no 🙁

I'd skip the ZBOX based on Atom barebones
Couldn't agree more. AMD does a much better job.

I think there was a problem of some kind with the e450 solution, but others got good reviews.
It was overheating leading to crashes. I need an always-on computer that I'll be accessing remotely, from different countries in some instances. Can't afford to crash it!

I still think that the mk802 looks like the best choice for me. I'll keep looking for more solutions and finally buy something in the next 2-3 days.

Glad you settled on the mk802. Please post how well video, etc work for you for people who find this thread later.

re netbook: lol, you wouldn't keep the lib open, you'd forget it had a screen or keyboard, just use as small form factor fusion server. it'll run with lid closed. Another option was finding a mid range recent laptop on ebay with a broken screen. Maybe with no harddrive to get under $100. You could use a $10 USB flash drive (8GB) as a boot device given your performance requirements.