Need advice for gpu (does it work with my setup) ?


May 22, 2013
Hey guys so I'm thinking in upgrading my GPU. The problem is I have an old cpu i5 2500 processor.

Now my question is what gpu will work with my cpu ? Does a 1050 work or which gpu would you recommend for me?

I also have 16gb of ram ddr3 and a msi z63s motherboard.

Thanks for the help!
You sure the motherboard isnt the Z68s? If so you could get a better cooler and overclock by 400mhz (they are not totally locked on these cpus), then you could go for the 1060 6gb, depending on your PSU.

Otherwise the 1050 ti might be a good option.

yeah its z68s sorry my bad 😛

No you won't see much signs of bottlenecks, while it depends on games, the i5 2500 should still catch up well. So you won't have trouble.
I5-2500 is still a very good gaming processor.

What is your current graphics card?
What is the make/model of your current psu? That will determine your graphics options.
Whatever, you want a decent jump in capability if you upgrade.
GTX1050ti is very good if you are currently using integrated graphics.

Some games are cpu limited.
To test, Run YOUR games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.


tbh i didnt game that much in the last 2 years on pc and im using a gtx 550ti so its pretty old thats why i want to upgrade a bit to just play games like gta v , battlegrounds and h1z1.
i was looking at a MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti OC 4GB DDR5 128-bit looks good what do you think about it?

That's an excellent GPU, go for it.

A reasonable upgrade, some6 tiers higher on tom's gpu hierarchy chart:,4388.html