Need Advice on 7970's or 980


Aug 13, 2012
I've had 2 7970's for the last 2 years and i feel like there starting show thier age. I find myself having to use vsync in most games due to stutter and screen tearing which makes lower framrates much less tolerable.
Thank god for RadeonPro
So... My question is would it be beneficial for me to buy a GTX 980 and sell my 2 7970s?
My Father is going to have one of them and a buddy of mine is in the process of builing his first PC so he would also like to buy one.
Thanks in advance.
I honestly don't think that would be an upgrade for any game that takes advantage of either SLI or Xfire. Obviously, card per card it's a good upgrade, but you already have the Xfire setup.

Although, since you already have a home for them, one that's worthwhile family/friend wise...and if you can afford it...not a bad idea.
I fully understand what your saying, i was kinda thinking the same thing. But... I seem to get iffy framrates in some games such as boderlands 2 looking in a certain direction would half my framerate. Crysis 3 runs a sub 40fps and WatchDogs makes me think i got ripped off by paing £2 for it.
I also love the way nVidia handle thier drivers and would love to play around with nVidia Experience.
Im really stuck and have been reccomended nvidia by litteraly everyone i ever speak too to do with PC's
It's not like im spoilt or anything ive got to work for the money for the next month or two.
Thanks for your reply
I appriciate it 😀

Im currently In the Uk though buddy and the prices are a little different here £250 for a 970 here which is $390

Wow-eeee! That's a HUGE price jump! Yeah, at that price you are definitely better off getting a new 980 I think.