Hello all. I have recently joined this website and have read the post over the forums. I find all of them to be very constructive and helpful. I myself and hitting the point of updateing my computer. I built it about a year and a half ago. I run a asus MB with a athlon xp 2400 CPU. I would like to update to a good MB that supports a AMD 64 cpu. I have a AGP video card to which i dont want to replace yet so the MB would have to be able to have a AGP 8x slot. THe video card is Geforce FX 5900 256mb. I would like to know what your guys reccomendations are on a good MB and amd 64 cpu would be. I play MMO and FPS games if that helps any. I would like to spend about 400 to 500 dollars on this upgrade so if anyone knows a good brand or something plz let me know. A link is great lol.
OR will I be better of updating to a PCIE MOBO and getting the new cpu, and PCIE video card?
OR will I be better of updating to a PCIE MOBO and getting the new cpu, and PCIE video card?